Monday, October 21, 2013

Late Night Poems

It's been a long time since the last time i posted stuffs here, so here it goes now. Probably you have seen the title, yep i made some poems. actually i made it because of my lecture told me so for the assignment. He told me just to write one but i ended up by wrote 4 poems. ( Do actually i have a secret talent to become a poetry? WHO KNOWS) hehe
Basically the poems tell some of the simple things but i wrapped it with a 'light cover' so still there are some meaning of it. ;)
Let's start with the first poem.
The first poem is called Blithe.

It was exhilarating
Sun shone, kissed the street
Warmth shrouded all the elements while  worms hided underneath the soil.
Ants, bees  and dragon flies worked exuberantly.
Sunlight peeked and played with the leaves
Plants were dancing in harmony while birds sang picturesque songs
Until the storm came
Tearful clouds fetched over the plants’ dance
Wet, cold and damp
Worms emerged from the soil and started dancing
It was eternal rain.

if you already have seen my other poems here, yes i deleted it. I just don't want people steal it without my permission. Thanks for the understanding :) Update will come soon 

"Disclaimer : I wrote this poem by my own. I do not take from any others' poems." 

Tuesday, May 21, 2013




            In this era of globalization as the freedom to express ideas in the mind of a literary work is common. Many who utilize these literary works in a variety of needs. But not only to convey an idea but thought literature was able to contain the real story is reviewed again by the author. The real story of the events in the past or even the story about someone or biography. Many works of literature that tells about the events of the past that was published on the subject of review or material knowledge to the next generation and mostly written in the form of a novel.

            Many of the writers who have thinking ideas or imagination and put it in a novel. Novel is one of literary evidence that was never lost in all the time. The authors freely and deliver it in a novel way different. The novel is also a silent witness to many a true story that happened in the past. The authors write that the public can enjoy it and add a variety of information.

            A literary work (novel) constructed by elements such as events of the story (plot), characters (characters / characterizations), theme, setting, point of view and style. Talks about the character with all the various image dispositive her identity, in many ways, more interesting than the other elements of a novel. Characterization is an important part in building a story. These figures do not only serve to play the story, but also serve to convey an idea, motif, plot and theme.

            The authors describe the elements of characterization and character development characters in the story. How can leaders create a story that is in the novel come to life and makes the reader have a desire to know the ending of a novel. Characterizations precisely where we could see the people who appear in a work of narrative, or drama, which is interpreted by the reader has a certain moral qualities and tendencies as expressed in speech and what is done in action

            One of the novel that elevates the true story and the novel was that I will discuss in my paper is a novel by Brian Garfield as The Paladin. The Paladin is the greatest untold story of World War II - the extraordinary adventures of the school boy who Became Winston Churchill's personal agent or assassin. Characterizations in the novel is very good and makes the reader get carried away with the adventures of the main character Christopher Robin

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


          Violent to a women is a serious case for our society now days. It happens around the world. Among women aged between 15 and 44, acts of violence cause more death and disability than cancer, malaria, traffic accidents and war combined.  The worst part is mostly some of the violent happen to the young girls.  In the United States, 83 per cent of girls aged 12 to 16 experienced some form of sexual harassment in public schools.
         Around the world at least one woman in every three has been beaten, coerced into sex, or otherwise abused in her lifetime. Violence against women is compounded by discrimination on the grounds of race, ethnicity, sexual identity, social status, class, and age. Such multiple forms of discrimination further restrict women's choices, increase their vulnerability to violence and make it even harder for women to obtain justice
         Every year, violence in the home and the community devastates the lives of millions of women. We live in societies where rape victims are doubted and blamed, where street harassment is still treated as a compliment, where women's bodies are sleazily ogled or cruelly judged, and where gender norms for both men and women remain uncomfortably restricting. Recent research from Bangladesh found that 98% of men said that to be a man you need to be "tough", while 81% of those who had admitted rape said they were motivated by sexual entitlement.
        The rape and death of a Delhi woman in December reverberated globally in a way such atrocities really never had before. Just two months later, a high-level commission had reviewed India's rape legislation along with 80,000 public testimonies, and the president had signed a new law.
        We will never live in a violence-free world, though that is a worthy goal. Efforts to achieve it, at the very least, put us further along the path of progress. We have increased opportunities to shine the spotlight on violence, examining its twisted roots in a new light and consider the ways in which each one of us is implicated. That is certainly something to pay attention to.

Monday, April 8, 2013


            Do you ever feel confuse which medicine you prefer between modern or traditional? Some of old family members that have been living longer than us think traditional medicine is better because there is no side effects and you could get it cheaper than modern medicine. But have you ever thought that traditional medicine is clean enough for our body? or do you think traditional medicine could heal the serious disease such as cancer in this era?
            This case has been pushed to the whole society. They have started to concern that health is important. Traditional medicine relies on beliefs, without any support, and theories based on assumptions.  There are no written facts about traditional medicine. It came up from mouth to mouth. The worst part is There are victims caused by use the traditional medicine is not according to the rules. On the other hand, modern medicine relies on science and the scientific process, in which treatments are based on facts, and are tested rigorously.
            In my opinion, modern medicine is better than the traditional medicine. The fact that modern medicine has great impact on curing diseases that were deadly in the past which traditional medicine can not cure yet. But still, despite the fact that modern medicine could heal deadly disease this all depends on everyone's belief. The debate between modern and traditional medicine will continue to enter our households. There is no correct answer to this debate. It is normal to want to feel safe, healthy, and informed.